40 Years Of Girls Gala Ball Postponed
Thursday, 19 March 2020

On behalf of the King's College, and the KCOCA, we are very sorry to announce that Jewel In the Crown - Gala Ball planned for the evening of the 2nd May has been postponed.

This is due to the unprecedented situation with the Covid-19 pandemic, and the NZ government’s announcement to ban gatherings of 500 or more people.


Your tickets will be refunded to your bank or card issuer and you should see the refund as a credit in approximately 5-10 business days.


As a community we will still continue to celebrate 40 Years of Girls here at King’s and there will be a special publication coming out to the community later this year.


Please be assured that we will update you if there is the opportunity to reschedule an appropriate alternate event at a later date.


We thank you for your understanding and support at this time.